All Photo Albums

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Title Submitted By Tag Name
Bill Knox - CPC's Philosopher Fred M Beshears bill_knox
Circle Pines Directors Fred M Beshears directors
Classic People 1938 - 1998 Fred M Beshears people_38_98
CPC 50th Reunion in 1988 Fred M Beshears reunion_88
CPC 60th Reunion by Mara Mara Gendell reunion_60th_mg
CPC 60th Reunion in 1998 Fred M Beshears reunion_98
CPC 75th Reunion by Mara Mara Gendell reunion_75th_mg
CPC in 1980-82 by Mara Mara Gendell 1980-82_mg
CPC in 1983 by Mara Mara Gendell 1983_mg
CPC in the 1970s by Mara Mara Gendell 1970s_mg
CPC Photos by Bev Beverly Packham-Bauer bevp1
CPC Photos by Ruth Cliffer-Greenthal Ruth Cliffer-Greenthal ruthcg1
CPC Still Life 1938-1998 Fred M Beshears still_life_38_98
Elder Camps Fred M Beshears ecamps
Groups_1938_1966 Fred M Beshears groups_38_66
Groups_1967_1988 Fred M Beshears groups_67_88
Pete, Big Bill, and Phil Fred M Beshears pete_bill_phil
Photos by David Nance Betsy Lawrence davidn1
Photos by Leo Tanenbaum Laurie Tanenbaum leot1
Photos from Don Altemus Jeff Altemus dona1
Photos from Pam Strauss Pam Strauss pams1
RW01 1969-1973 Portraits #1 by Reinhardt Wagner Jerome Wagner reinhardt_w_01
RW02 1969-1973 Portraits #2 by Reinhardt Wagner Jerome Wagner reinhardt_w_02
RW03 1969-1973 People by Reinhardt Wagner Jerome Wagner reinhardt_w_03
RW04 1969-1973 Small Groups by Reinhardt Wagner Jerome Wagner reinhardt_w_04
RW05 1969-1973 Kitchen Dining by Reinhardt Wagner Jerome Wagner reinhardt_w_05
RW06 1969-1973 Pottery by Reinhardt Wagner Jerome Wagner reinhardt_w_06
RW07 1969-1973 Beach by Reinhardt Wagner Jerome Wagner reinhardt_w_07
RW08 1969-1973 Work Play by Reinhardt Wagner Jerome Wagner reinhardt_w_08
RW09 1969-1973 Dance Hall by Reinhardt Wagne Jerome Wagner reinhardt_w_09
RW10 1969-1973 Barn Events by Reinhardt Wagner Jerome Wagner reinhardt_w_10
RW11 1971 Cider Weekend by Reinhardt Wagner Jerome Wagner reinhardt_w_11
Submitted By Vivien Alsberg Beirne Vivien Alsberg Beirne viviena1