All Location Tags

Click on a link in the Title column to see a description of that location.
Alternatively, click on a tag name link to see a list of photos at that location.

Group Name Title Tag Name
acorns_area Old Acorn Unit old_acorn_unit
barn_area Barn barn
barn_area Lower Barn lower_barn
barn_area Mattress Shed mattress_shed
barn_area New Arts and Crafts new_arts_crafts
barn_area Old Chicken Coop old_chicken_coop
barn_area Old Nature Center old_nature_center
barn_area Old Staff Lounge old_staff_lounge
barn_area Telescope Hill telescope_hill
barn_area Upper Barn upper_barn
beach_area Beach beach
beach_area Beach Camping beach_camping
beach_area Beah Path beach_path
beach_area Beach Road beach_road
beach_area Lake Stewart lake_stewart
farmhouse_area Acorn Porch acorn_porch
farmhouse_area Camp Store camp_store
farmhouse_area Chess Bench chess_bench
farmhouse_area Dining Room dining_room
farmhouse_area Farmhouse farm_house
farmhouse_area Farmhouse Cistern farmhouse_cistern
farmhouse_area Farmhouse Deck farmhouse_deck
farmhouse_area Farmhouse Door farmhouse_door
farmhouse_area Farmhouse Office farmhouse_office
farmhouse_area Front Lawn front_lawn
farmhouse_area Front Lawn Bench front_lawn_bench
farmhouse_area Front Lawn Rock front_lawn_rock
farmhouse_area Front Lawn Sign front_lawn_sign
farmhouse_area Front Porch front_porch
farmhouse_area Kings and Queens kings_and_queens
farmhouse_area Kitchen kitchen
farmhouse_area Kitchen Porch kitchen_porch
farmhouse_area Paint Shed paint_shed
farmhouse_area Parking Lot parking_lot
farmhouse_area Side Porch side_porch
farmhouse_area Sports Field sports_field
farmhouse_area Volleyball Court volleyball_court
farmhouse_area Walk In Cooler walk_in_cooler
juniors_area Juniors Unit juniors_unit
juniors_area Path to Juniors path_to_juniors
juniors_area The Pavilion pavilion
mansion_area Early Rec Hall early_rec_hall
mansion_area Garden garden
mansion_area Mansion Cabins mansion_cabins
mansion_area Rec Hall rec_hall
mansion_area The Hex the_hex
mansion_area The Mansion the_mansion
orchard_area Orchard Cabins orchard_cabins
other_locations DACCA Lodge dacca_lodge
other_locations Grand Ledges grand_ledges
other_locations Mullen Road mullen_road
other_locations Old Tractor old_tractor
other_locations Pig Pen pig_pen
swallows_area Geodesic Dome geodesic_dome
swallows_area New Swallows new_swallows
swallows_area Old Swallows old_swallows
swallows_area Swallows Lawn swallows_lawn
swallows_area Swallows Office swallows_office
swallows_area The Butler the_butler
youth_area Climbing Wall climbing_wall
youth_area Gazumba Tree gazumba_tree
youth_area Log Cabin log_cabin
youth_area New Youth Unit new_youth_unit
youth_area Youth Lodge old_youth_lodge
youth_area Old Youth Road old_youth_road
youth_area Old Youth Unit old_youth_unit
youth_area Ropes Course ropes_course