Photos with the Album Tag Name 1983_mg

Photo ID Owner Title
1983_mg_000 admin Charlotte Kaufman reading her notebook
1983_mg_001 admin Looks like a play or folk opera rehearsal
1983_mg_002 admin Gene Huffine Stacking Wood
1983_mg_003 admin Kitchen porch scene with Rachel Gendell, Beth Anne Huffine, and Chris Calucci
1983_mg_004 admin Jason Teresi with the butterfly and BIG glasses
1983_mg_005 admin Cathy Donkers cutting up some wood
1983_mg_006 admin Campers relaxing by the side porch of the farm house
1983_mg_007 admin Marian Byrnes at her desk in the farm house
1983_mg_008 admin Campers relaxing in the grass by the farm house
1983_mg_009 admin Campers and Staff Working in the Garden
1983_mg_010 admin Putting up siding on the Hex
1983_mg_011 admin Summer Camp Staff Member with Dark Glasses
1983_mg_012 admin Filling in the gaps between the siding of the Hex
1983_mg_013 admin Campers playing chess and writing home by the farm house
1983_mg_014 admin Don Shall with Zack on his back
1983_mg_015 admin Camper leaning up against some plywood
1983_mg_016 admin Jennifer Inchicago trying to hide from the camera
1983_mg_017 admin Chris Calucci riding the tractor
1983_mg_018 admin Mara, Julie, and Jay enjoying one another's company