Photos with the Album Tag Name leot1

Photo ID Owner Title
leot1_000 admin Laurie and Carol with Counselor Carol
leot1_001 admin Gathering with Alan Lomax
leot1_002 admin Folk Dancing in 1958
leot1_003 admin Photo taken in 1958 give or take
leot1_004 admin Bill Knox doing construction work
leot1_005 admin Big John Henry Mitchell
leot1_006 admin Bill Knox carrying a board
leot1_007 admin Heavy scrabble game
leot1_008 admin Playing scrabble
leot1_009 admin Folk Dancing in 1958
leot1_010 admin Frank and Roxie on the dance floor
leot1_011 admin Gathering on front lawn with Alan Lomax
leot1_012 admin Bunny Romero on a bench
leot1_013 admin Adeline and her husband Dick Banish
leot1_014 admin Helen and Pipp Bauman
leot1_015 admin Laurie and Phyllis racking leaves
leot1_016 admin A beauty of a beauty - Adeline Banish
leot1_017 admin Nan and John down at the beach