Photos with the Album Tag Name people_38_98

Photo ID Owner Title
people_38_98_100 admin Campers on the low benches in the front lawn
people_38_98_101 admin Nature hike with Don Altemus
people_38_98_102 admin Paul Nebenzahl getting ready to play before the meal
people_38_98_103 admin Dueling Photographers with Sh Bauman
people_38_98_104 admin Kitchen porch scene
people_38_98_105 admin Russel Sandberg reaching for some apples
people_38_98_106 admin Tom Fineberg in the parking lot with canoes
people_38_98_107 admin Debra, Jon, and Jackie on a log
people_38_98_108 admin Jerry Gordon on stilts
people_38_98_109 admin Natalie Meister Chapman washing dishes in the Youth Lodge
people_38_98_110 admin Playing and Singing on the front lawn
people_38_98_111 admin Square Dancing on the front lawn
people_38_98_112 admin Meeting on the front lawn with Bill Knox and Leo King
people_38_98_113 admin Vicki Levine learning to play banjo
people_38_98_114 admin Jay and Oona laying stones
people_38_98_115 admin Holly and Shocky doing some carpentry
people_38_98_116 admin Arts and Crafts in the lower-barn
people_38_98_117 admin Goodman giving campers a lesson in carpentry
people_38_98_118 admin Georgia and Goodman Mottleson
people_38_98_119 admin Gabriel climbing the climbing wall