Photos with the Album Tag Name people_38_98

Photo ID Owner Title
people_38_98_140 admin Photogenic youngster by Swallows
people_38_98_141 admin Bat Graham at a CPC Think Tank in the mid-1970s
people_38_98_142 admin Ric Timmons supervising the action in the Craft Shop
people_38_98_143 admin Think tank at CPC in the early 1970s
people_38_98_144 admin Billie Altemus making maple syrup
people_38_98_145 admin Loominaries in the CPC Craft Shop
people_38_98_146 admin Ralph teaching a camper the art chopping
people_38_98_147 admin A fallen tree by the farm house
people_38_98_148 admin A gathering of musicians in the barn
people_38_98_149 admin Visiting musician and dancer with drums
people_38_98_150 admin Scene from the Craft Shop in the lower-barn
people_38_98_151 admin Apples anyone?
people_38_98_152 admin Rachell participating in the CPC backrub tradition
people_38_98_153 admin After lunch singing in 1982
people_38_98_154 admin Pat Lynn and Krissy McCall by the farm house
people_38_98_155 admin Colleen sitting on a bench by the farm house
people_38_98_156 admin H. Roz Woll and Colleen R Reynolds by farmhouse
people_38_98_157 admin Krissy McCall and other staff on the farm house steps
people_38_98_158 admin Krissy organizing papers next to the camp store
people_38_98_159 admin Ralph working in the kitchen in 1982