Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
pete_bill_phil_000 |
admin |
Pete Seeger on the front lawn of the farm house in 1957 |
pete_bill_phil_001 |
admin |
Photo of Pete Seeger and Bill Bill Broonzy in the dining room |
pete_bill_phil_002 |
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Letter from Pete Seeger to Circle Pines dated 1 August 1998 |
pete_bill_phil_003 |
admin |
Very nice photo of Big Bill Broonzy playing guitar |
pete_bill_phil_004 |
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Big Bill Broonzy playing guitar on the front lawn |
pete_bill_phil_005 |
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Big Bill Broonzy playing and singing at CPC |
pete_bill_phil_006 |
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Pete Seeger entertaining Circle Piners in 1957 |
pete_bill_phil_007 |
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Big Bill Broonzy in the Acorn dining room |
pete_bill_phil_008 |
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Big Bill Broonzy in the main dining room |
pete_bill_phil_009 |
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Big Bill Broonzy being recorded at the farm house |
pete_bill_phil_010 |
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Big BIll Broonzy playing somewhere |
pete_bill_phil_011 |
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Big Bill Broonzy on the farm house steps |
pete_bill_phil_012 |
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Big Bill and Pete in front of the farm house |
pete_bill_phil_013 |
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Phil Ochs at Circle Pines in 1962 |