Photos with the Album Tag Name reunion_60th_mg

Photo ID Owner Title
reunion_60th_mg_020 admin Catherine Sonquist and Phoebe King dancing in Rec Hall
reunion_60th_mg_021 admin Cindy, Mara, and Susan by coop and anti-war posters
reunion_60th_mg_022 admin Fred M Beshears floating in Lake Stewart
reunion_60th_mg_023 admin Sarah Younger and Julie Sokolow by the side porch
reunion_60th_mg_024 admin Paul Nebenzahl playing flute on the deck with his son
reunion_60th_mg_025 admin Rachel, Gabriel, and Fred by Swallows
reunion_60th_mg_026 admin Rachel Gendell and Phoebe King in the parking lot
reunion_60th_mg_027 admin Nice one of Maxine Fineberg standing by Swallows
reunion_60th_mg_028 admin Tom Fineberg in the parking lot
reunion_60th_mg_029 admin Catherine Sonquist and Julie Sokolow
reunion_60th_mg_030 admin Rosalie, Vivien, and Jennifer
reunion_60th_mg_031 admin Catherine Sonquist and Paul Nebenzahl on farm house front porch