Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
reunion_98_020 |
admin |
John Sonquist with guitar at the memorial service |
reunion_98_021 |
admin |
Richard Boyajian at memorial service |
reunion_98_022 |
admin |
Joan Staples at memorial service |
reunion_98_023 |
admin |
Rachel Gendell at memorial service |
reunion_98_024 |
admin |
Maxine and Tom by the big tent |
reunion_98_025 |
admin |
Arik and Mara on a wooden bench by the farm house |
reunion_98_026 |
admin |
Sharon Hyson and Jay Bonsignore on the front lawn |
reunion_98_027 |
admin |
Amy Likover, Chloe Lewis, and Maxine Fineberg |
reunion_98_028 |
admin |
Lary Plamondon and Rachel Gendell discuss affairs of state |
reunion_98_029 |
admin |
Bob Cody and Sh Bauman |
reunion_98_030 |
admin |
John Glass in the grass |
reunion_98_031 |
admin |
Chuck, Hanne, and Maxine at the memorial service |
reunion_98_032 |
admin |
Music on the deck |
reunion_98_033 |
admin |
Stones on display |
reunion_98_034 |
admin |
Violin music on the kitchen porch |
reunion_98_035 |
admin |
Cute puppy with an even cuter kid |
reunion_98_036 |
admin |
Yaron Rosenthal about to take a dive |
reunion_98_037 |
admin |
Julie and Mara - two great photographers |
reunion_98_038 |
admin |
Julie Sokolow and Jay Bonsignore |
reunion_98_039 |
admin |
Yaron Rosenthal in the kitchen |