Photos with the Album Tag Name ruthcg1

Photo ID Owner Title
ruthcg1_020 admin Adina and Ned in Junior Meadows
ruthcg1_021 admin Pam Strauss and Carla Kaplan by the farmhouse
ruthcg1_022 admin Russel Sandberg and Nick Hoffman being silly
ruthcg1_023 admin Danny and Lloyd in the Youth Lodge
ruthcg1_024 admin Russel Sandberg and friends down at the beach
ruthcg1_025 admin Carla Kaplan - arms outstretched
ruthcg1_026 admin Jerry Swann with ice cream cone
ruthcg1_027 admin Chris, Micah, and Lee heading toward the farmhouse
ruthcg1_028 admin Lloyd in the headlights
ruthcg1_029 admin Paul and Darcy in the library
ruthcg1_030 admin Ruth and Nick share a blanket
ruthcg1_031 admin Claudia Altemus reading LIFE
ruthcg1_032 admin Marco and Alice
ruthcg1_033 admin The Two Jonathans
ruthcg1_034 admin Clea Rodwan busting a move
ruthcg1_035 admin Russel Sandberg taking center stage
ruthcg1_036 admin Nick Hoffman taking a sip
ruthcg1_037 admin Junior Girls sitting around the fire circle
ruthcg1_038 admin Ruth Cliffer front and center
ruthcg1_039 admin Johathan Bloom almost front and center