Photos with the Album Tag Name still_life_38_98

Photo ID Owner Title
still_life_38_98_040 admin The lake at night
still_life_38_98_041 admin Glen Sandberg tearing down a cabin
still_life_38_98_042 admin An old picture of the Mansion getting new siding
still_life_38_98_043 admin Farm house lawn near sunset
still_life_38_98_044 admin Maple trees lining Mullen road
still_life_38_98_045 admin The CPC sign from the mid-1960s
still_life_38_98_046 admin The Geodesic Dome gift from Tom Fineberg
still_life_38_98_047 admin The Farm House before the side porch
still_life_38_98_048 admin CPC sign in winter
still_life_38_98_049 admin Swallows getting a new roof
still_life_38_98_050 admin Putting the roof beams on the Rec Hall
still_life_38_98_051 admin Farm House side porch murals
still_life_38_98_052 admin New cooler construction
still_life_38_98_053 admin Roof top view of new cooler construction
still_life_38_98_054 admin Little log cabin in the woods
still_life_38_98_055 admin Glen Sandberg by the lower barn
still_life_38_98_056 admin George Williston and the restored farm house door carving
still_life_38_98_057 admin Farm house painted glass window
still_life_38_98_058 admin Early CPC dock with the pylons
still_life_38_98_059 admin The Gazumba Tree when it was still standing