Photos with the Location Tag Name beach

Photo ID Owner Title
directors_024 admin Dan Denov
pams1_017 admin Eileen Ball down by the beach
pams1_020 admin Down by the beach
people_38_98_007 admin Bacia Gordon's painting class down at the beach
people_38_98_010 admin Lifeguard John Henry Mitchell
people_38_98_019 admin Counselor Marianne Kaskel Cohen
people_38_98_025 admin Marianne Cohen with her son Michael in Lake Stewart
people_38_98_089 admin The Peoples Down at the Beach
people_38_98_129 admin Life guard Ben supervising the action down at the beach
people_38_98_250 admin CPC's Sullivan House friends playing drums at the beach
reinhardt_w_07_000 admin The Old Dock down by the lake
reinhardt_w_07_001 admin Linda B Roberts working on the water front
reinhardt_w_07_002 admin Ebba Hierta at the beach
reinhardt_w_07_003 admin Claudia Altemus throwing a life preserver ring
reinhardt_w_07_005 admin Two life guards by a row boat
reinhardt_w_07_006 admin Debbie Young doing her life guard thing
reinhardt_w_07_007 admin Lloyd King and Abby Cohn on the raft
reinhardt_w_07_008 admin Carl, Abby, and Lucho on the raft
reinhardt_w_07_009 admin Nancy Roberts in the water
reinhardt_w_07_010 admin A snorkeler at the beach