Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
pams1_004 |
admin |
Rick Schroeder and Fred Beshears in front of camp store |
pams1_005 |
admin |
The camp store open for business |
pams1_007 |
admin |
Camper sitting in front of camp store |
pams1_034 |
admin |
Lunch on the front lawn |
people_38_98_096 |
admin |
A view from inside the camp store |
people_38_98_136 |
admin |
The CPC Camp Store is Open for Business |
people_38_98_156 |
admin |
H. Roz Woll and Colleen R Reynolds by farmhouse |
people_38_98_158 |
admin |
Krissy organizing papers next to the camp store |
people_38_98_231 |
admin |
Clea Rodwan - daughter of Mira Rodwan |
reinhardt_w_03_032 |
admin |
Shopping at the camp store |
reinhardt_w_04_015 |
admin |
Brooks in the Camp Store |
reunion_98_028 |
admin |
Lary Plamondon and Rachel Gendell discuss affairs of state |
reunion_98_069 |
admin |
Paul Nebenzahl with son at the CPC Store |
still_life_38_98_013 |
admin |
Solar heated CPC Store |
still_life_38_98_064 |
admin |
Farm house chess central in shadows |
still_life_38_98_067 |
admin |
Camp Store in shadows |