Photos with the Location Tag Name front_lawn

Photo ID Owner Title
people_38_98_084 admin Camper reading a letter from home
people_38_98_107 admin Debra, Jon, and Jackie on a log
people_38_98_108 admin Jerry Gordon on stilts
people_38_98_110 admin Playing and Singing on the front lawn
people_38_98_111 admin Square Dancing on the front lawn
people_38_98_112 admin Meeting on the front lawn with Bill Knox and Leo King
people_38_98_113 admin Vicki Levine learning to play banjo
people_38_98_117 admin Goodman giving campers a lesson in carpentry
people_38_98_132 admin Connie and Steve
people_38_98_147 admin A fallen tree by the farm house
people_38_98_156 admin H. Roz Woll and Colleen R Reynolds by farmhouse
people_38_98_161 admin More circle exercises on the farm house lawn
people_38_98_162 admin Sara and Krissy doing a circle exercise on the front lawn
people_38_98_173 admin Visiting Artists, Dancers, and Musicians
people_38_98_176 admin Tom and Maxine Fineberg at meeting in the early 1960s
people_38_98_179 admin John Glass - tireless fund raiser for CPC
people_38_98_185 admin Lore and Peter Rasmussen on the front lawn
people_38_98_195 admin Youthie Girls in the Late 1960s
people_38_98_200 admin Kids gathering maple sap
people_38_98_215 admin Jim Zimmerman - our Youth Unit Head in 1968