Photos with the Location Tag Name lower_barn

Photo ID Owner Title
reinhardt_w_06_011 admin Micah Beck at the pottery wheel
reinhardt_w_06_012 admin Micah Beck's pot starts to take shape
reinhardt_w_06_013 admin Semi-finished pots in waiting
reinhardt_w_06_014 admin Billie Altemus working with clay
reinhardt_w_06_015 admin Jerome and Charlie Wagner working with clay
reinhardt_w_06_016 admin Charlie Wagner with a paint brush
reinhardt_w_06_017 admin The pottery kiln outside the craft shop
reinhardt_w_06_018 admin Bells made of clay hanging outside the craft shop
ruthcg1_004 admin Gary Cliffer by the lower barn
still_life_38_98_038 admin Craft shop in the lower barn
still_life_38_98_055 admin Glen Sandberg by the lower barn
still_life_38_98_078 admin Arts and Crafts in the lower barn
still_life_38_98_099 admin Margie and Liz on side barn steps