Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
directors_031 |
admin |
Ken Freedman |
directors_032 |
admin |
Don Shall |
directors_035 |
admin |
Barbara Hofer |
directors_036 |
admin |
Sharon Habin |
directors_044 |
admin |
Tessa Simonds |
directors_049 |
admin |
Sonya Ochshorn |
people_38_98_037 |
admin |
Fun and games with Lauren, Tim, and Scott |
people_38_98_192 |
admin |
Billie Mitchell and David L King |
people_38_98_194 |
admin |
Steve and Leni in 1988 |
reinhardt_w_08_047 |
admin |
Team Huddle |
reinhardt_w_08_048 |
admin |
Tom Fineberg running down the sports field |
reinhardt_w_08_049 |
admin |
Tom Fineberg being chased |
reinhardt_w_08_050 |
admin |
Tom Fineberg resting after a good run |
reinhardt_w_08_054 |
admin |
Red Rover, Red Rover let Carla come over |
reunion_88_057 |
admin |
Bruce Edwards preparing for the next course |
reunion_88_148 |
admin |
Tom Fineberg and Don Rasmussen playing chess in the big tent |
reunion_88_172 |
admin |
Don Rasmussen and Tom Fineberg playing chess with a clock |
reunion_98_050 |
admin |
Rachel Gendel and Gabriel Sheridan on the sports field by Swallows |
ruthcg1_006 |
admin |
Jim and Jill playing volleyball |
still_life_38_98_061 |
admin |
Farm house lawn looking out over the sports field |