Photos with the Location Tag Name upper_barn

Photo ID Owner Title
reinhardt_w_10_023 admin A young Rachel Gendell striking a pose
reinhardt_w_10_024 admin Rachel Gendell leaning against Lindsay Jones
reinhardt_w_10_025 admin Sarah Younger wearing a Felix the Cat shirt
reinhardt_w_10_026 admin Julie McBride draws a cardboard knife on a pirate
reinhardt_w_10_027 admin Julie McBride and the pirate in a knife fight
reinhardt_w_10_028 admin Everyone surrounds the pirate
reinhardt_w_10_029 admin Max Rose as a bare-chested pirate
reinhardt_w_10_030 admin Darcey looking up at the play's director
reinhardt_w_10_031 admin Campers and staff share the stage
reinhardt_w_10_032 admin Sherry Douglas in the center of the action
reinhardt_w_10_033 admin Ebba Hierta in the audience
reinhardt_w_10_034 admin Campers lined up on a bench
reinhardt_w_10_035 admin Campers lying down on the stage
reinhardt_w_10_036 admin Claire Wagner with arms outstretched
reinhardt_w_10_037 admin Counselors on the stage
reinhardt_w_10_038 admin This image perfectly encaptures the spirit of CPC
reinhardt_w_10_039 admin An end-of-session awards ceremony in the barn
reinhardt_w_10_040 admin Marjie Fineberg and Dan Kaplan reading end-of-session awards
reinhardt_w_10_041 admin Jill, Ellen, Tom, and Rick at an awards ceremony
reinhardt_w_10_042 admin Leslie McBride giving out an award