Photos with the Person Tag Name bill_knox

Photo ID Owner Title
bill_knox_020 admin Bill at work in the farmhouse office
bill_knox_021 admin Photo of Bill from the Otake Collection
directors_002 admin Bill Knox
directors_010 admin Bill Knox
directors_018 admin Bill Knox
directors_042 admin Bill Knox Memorial Sundial on Telescope Hill
directors_043 admin Bill Knox
directors_057 admin Isadore Solomon
groups_38_66_010 admin Youth Institute group photo from 1944
people_38_98_014 admin A meeting on the front lawn
people_38_98_112 admin Meeting on the front lawn with Bill Knox and Leo King
reinhardt_w_01_000 admin Bill Knox
reinhardt_w_01_001 admin Bill Knox laughing
reinhardt_w_05_034 admin Charlie Wagner and Bill Knox having lunch together
reinhardt_w_08_056 admin Meeting on the front lawn
still_life_38_98_005 admin Painting of Bill Knox by Sheila Hori
still_life_38_98_014 admin Masion cabin construction by Bill Knox
still_life_38_98_042 admin An old picture of the Mansion getting new siding
still_life_38_98_047 admin The Farm House before the side porch
still_life_38_98_050 admin Putting the roof beams on the Rec Hall