Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
directors_004 |
admin |
Marianne and Morris Cohen |
directors_007 |
admin |
Bille Altemus working in the garden |
directors_020 |
admin |
Ray Johnson and Billie Altemus on front lawn bench |
directors_027 |
admin |
Directors Group photo in 1988 at the 50th Reunion |
directors_029 |
admin |
Billie Altemus |
directors_034 |
admin |
Billie Altemus |
groups_67_88_014 |
admin |
Photo of Directors taken at the 50th reunion in 1988 |
people_38_98_033 |
admin |
Billie Altemus and Evelyn Swann |
people_38_98_093 |
admin |
A gathering of former CPC Directors |
people_38_98_137 |
admin |
Polly making maple syrup with Billie |
people_38_98_144 |
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Billie Altemus making maple syrup |
people_38_98_205 |
admin |
Maple Syrup Weekend with Billie Altemus and Tom Fineberg |
reinhardt_w_03_001 |
admin |
Billie Altemus and Tom Fineberg on the front lawn |
reinhardt_w_03_002 |
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Billie Altemus and Tom Fineberg at meeting on the front lawn |
reinhardt_w_03_003 |
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Billie and Don Altemus on the farm house steps |
reinhardt_w_03_004 |
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Billie Altemus walking past Swallows |
reinhardt_w_03_005 |
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Billie Altemus laughing by Kings and Queens |
reinhardt_w_04_004 |
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Billie and Tom Altemus on acorn dining room porch |
reinhardt_w_04_016 |
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Mark, Lindsay, and Billie by the camp van |
reinhardt_w_04_017 |
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Billie and Max by the camp van |