Photos with the Person Tag Name don_altemus

Photo ID Owner Title
people_38_98_023 admin Bird watching with Don Altemus
people_38_98_035 admin A really nice one of Don Altemus
people_38_98_040 admin Don Altemus giving a talk
people_38_98_047 admin Dot Stern and Don Altemus in the early 1970s
people_38_98_101 admin Nature hike with Don Altemus
people_38_98_211 admin Jerry Swann on a nature walk with Don Altemus
reinhardt_w_01_012 admin Don Altemus in the Rec Hall
reinhardt_w_01_013 admin Don Altemus drinking coffee
reinhardt_w_03_003 admin Billie and Don Altemus on the farm house steps
reinhardt_w_09_031 admin Don dancing with Billie
reunion_88_140 admin Don Altemus by camp store