Photo ID |
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bill_knox_001 |
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Bill Knox Memorial in 1973 |
directors_011 |
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Don and Lore Rasmussen at the 50th Reunion |
directors_012 |
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Don Rasmussen |
directors_027 |
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Directors Group photo in 1988 at the 50th Reunion |
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Photo of Directors taken at the 50th reunion in 1988 |
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1973 - Bill Knox Memorial at the 35th Reunion |
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Bill Knox Memorial (July 4th, 1973) |
people_38_98_064 |
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Big Gathering on Front Lawn in Early 1960s |
people_38_98_093 |
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A gathering of former CPC Directors |
people_38_98_179 |
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John Glass - tireless fund raiser for CPC |
reunion_88_003 |
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Nori Davis sitting next to Don Rasmussen |
reunion_88_046 |
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Former Directors on the Front Porch in 1988 |
reunion_88_055 |
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The Big Tent Dining Scene |
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Tom Fineberg and Don Rasmussen playing chess in the big tent |
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Howie Emmer, Robin Connell, and Laurie Tanenbaum in the big tent |
reunion_88_172 |
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Don Rasmussen and Tom Fineberg playing chess with a clock |
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Barnabas Johnson addressing folks in the big tent |
reunion_98_082 |
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Photographers Abound: John, Hubert, and Rufus |