Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
1970s_mg_005 |
admin |
The Famous Fred Frown |
directors_039 |
admin |
Lindsay Jones watching Fred Beshears blow smoke rings |
groups_67_88_003 |
admin |
Summer Camp Staff Photo from the 1970s |
groups_67_88_005 |
admin |
Summer Camp Staff Photo from the late 1970s |
groups_67_88_006 |
admin |
1975 Summer Camp Staff |
groups_67_88_009 |
admin |
1976 Summer Camp Staff - a little more serious |
groups_67_88_010 |
admin |
1976 Summer Camp Staff - a lot less serious |
groups_67_88_011 |
admin |
1976 Summer Camp Photo - a little more serious |
groups_67_88_015 |
admin |
1973 - Bill Knox Memorial at the 35th Reunion |
groups_67_88_016 |
admin |
Bill Knox Memorial (July 4th, 1973) |
groups_67_88_039 |
admin |
Fred and His Youthies - mid 1970s |
pams1_004 |
admin |
Rick Schroeder and Fred Beshears in front of camp store |
people_38_98_163 |
admin |
Fred and Rachel by the farmhouse cistern |
people_38_98_168 |
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Fred, Jesse, and Krissy in 1982 |
people_38_98_177 |
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Fred with his mom - Charlotte Beshears |
people_38_98_222 |
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Brian and Boonyer in 1970 |
people_38_98_251 |
admin |
Fred with his famous frown |
people_38_98_253 |
admin |
Fred M Beshears down at the lake |
reinhardt_w_01_015 |
admin |
Fred Beshears in a CPC truck |
reinhardt_w_01_016 |
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Fred Beshears looking thoughtful |