Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
reunion_88_046 |
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Former Directors on the Front Porch in 1988 |
reunion_88_055 |
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The Big Tent Dining Scene |
reunion_88_056 |
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The Brothers Bonsignore |
reunion_88_068 |
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Linda B Roberts standing by Two of the Three Jays |
reunion_88_166 |
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Jay Bonsignore by parking lot |
reunion_98_026 |
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Sharon Hyson and Jay Bonsignore on the front lawn |
reunion_98_038 |
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Julie Sokolow and Jay Bonsignore |
reunion_98_061 |
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Jay Bonsignore doing a j-stroke on Lake Stewart |
still_life_38_98_011 |
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Pavilion construction |