Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
groups_67_88_011 |
admin |
1976 Summer Camp Photo - a little more serious |
people_38_98_108 |
admin |
Jerry Gordon on stilts |
people_38_98_204 |
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Glen Sandberg making a point with Jerry Gordon looking on |
reinhardt_w_11_005 |
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Jerry Gordon with apple crate in hand |
reinhardt_w_11_009 |
admin |
Jerry Gordon with a crate full of apples |
reunion_88_005 |
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Hardy Freedman making music in the dining room |
reunion_88_071 |
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Jerry Gordon painting the farm house |
reunion_88_088 |
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Lotte Meyerson by Jerry Gordon |
reunion_98_044 |
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Naomi Greenfield, Jerry Gordon, Naomi Clarie, Bob Beshears in Rec Hall |
reunion_98_048 |
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Joe Likover supervising the Rec Hall Scene |
reunion_98_054 |
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Jerry Gordon and Lotte Meyerson on the side porch |
reunion_98_064 |
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Jerry Gordon supervising the beach scene |