Photos with the Person Tag Name john_glass

Photo ID Owner Title
groups_38_66_009 admin CPC campers on a hay wagon around 1940
people_38_98_112 admin Meeting on the front lawn with Bill Knox and Leo King
people_38_98_179 admin John Glass - tireless fund raiser for CPC
reunion_88_058 admin Announcements in the Big Tent
reunion_88_064 admin Folkdancing with Steve, Karen, Lauren, Cindy, John, and Glen
reunion_88_098 admin Leni Tanenbaum and John Glass at folkdance
reunion_88_127 admin Lisa Tanenbaum between John Glass and Rufus Diamant
reunion_98_030 admin John Glass in the grass
reunion_98_082 admin Photographers Abound: John, Hubert, and Rufus