Photos with the Person Tag Name jonathan_bloom

Photo ID Owner Title
pams1_046 admin Kris, Russel, and Jonathan - a rear end view
reinhardt_w_02_024 admin Jonathan Bloom wearing a pink striped shirt
reinhardt_w_04_003 admin Kitchen Porch with Bill and Julie McBride
reinhardt_w_04_008 admin Farmhouse Lawn Scene
reinhardt_w_09_003 admin Dancing around a dog
reinhardt_w_09_006 admin A line dance that's not the Troika
reinhardt_w_09_007 admin A dance for couples
reinhardt_w_10_039 admin An end-of-session awards ceremony in the barn
reunion_88_184 admin Pam Strauss sitting with Two of the Four Amigos
ruthcg1_039 admin Johathan Bloom almost front and center