Photos with the Person Tag Name mara_gendell

Photo ID Owner Title
groups_67_88_000 admin 1976 Youth Work Camp
groups_67_88_001 admin Kitchen Photo
groups_67_88_003 admin Summer Camp Staff Photo from the 1970s
groups_67_88_004 admin 1976 Youth Work Camp
groups_67_88_006 admin 1975 Summer Camp Staff
groups_67_88_008 admin Kitchen Porch - a little more serious
people_38_98_087 admin Fun and Games with Greg, Lauren, and Mara
reinhardt_w_02_037 admin Mara Gendell in the back of a pickup truck
reinhardt_w_02_038 admin Mara Gendell - winner of the funny pose contest
reinhardt_w_09_011 admin Nancy and Raymond doing the Salty Dog Rag
reinhardt_w_09_013 admin Mara and Jerome dancing the night away
reinhardt_w_10_005 admin Lee Lynd standing in the light
reinhardt_w_10_011 admin Mara, Sarah, and Sarah sing along with the campers
reinhardt_w_10_016 admin Donald Gault and Mara Gendell join in a sing-along
reinhardt_w_10_018 admin Darcey, Mara, Julie, and Nancia singing a song
reinhardt_w_10_020 admin Julie, Mara, and Sara sitting in the upper barn
reunion_98_013 admin Mara, Arik, and banana by the beach
reunion_98_016 admin Arik and Mara looking out at the sports field
reunion_98_019 admin Rosalie and her husband Bernie Guttman
reunion_98_025 admin Arik and Mara on a wooden bench by the farm house