Photos with the Person Tag Name mark_bonsignore

Photo ID Owner Title
reinhardt_w_03_019 admin Mark Bonsignore and Susan Gendell
reinhardt_w_03_020 admin Mark Bonsignore on the chess bench
reinhardt_w_03_023 admin Lorraine Black talking to CPC Photographer
reinhardt_w_04_016 admin Mark, Lindsay, and Billie by the camp van
reinhardt_w_04_028 admin CPC Board Meeting on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_08_014 admin Mark Bonsignore sawing a log
reinhardt_w_08_038 admin Volleyball - an all-time favorite
reinhardt_w_08_056 admin Meeting on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_10_001 admin Mark Bonsignore leading a meeting in the barn
reunion_88_046 admin Former Directors on the Front Porch in 1988
reunion_88_055 admin The Big Tent Dining Scene
reunion_88_056 admin The Brothers Bonsignore
reunion_88_110 admin Two of CPC's really good writers - Michael Jonas and Mark Bonsignore
reunion_98_063 admin Mark Bonsignore sitting on the rock
reunion_98_068 admin Mark Bonsignore at the Kalamazoo Museum