Photos with the Person Tag Name phoebe_king

Photo ID Owner Title
groups_67_88_035 admin Youth on Front Porch - in mid 1970s
people_38_98_079 admin Folk Dancing with Camilla Strauss
people_38_98_187 admin Iconic Photo of Lauren K Peoples and Phoebe King
reinhardt_w_04_042 admin Reinhardt_W_04_042Brooks, Charlie, and Phoebe by the front lawn rock
reinhardt_w_05_041 admin After-lunch singing
reinhardt_w_07_020 admin Linda, Debbie, and Phoebe on the beach
reinhardt_w_07_021 admin Dexter Coombe playing the role of beach furniture
reinhardt_w_07_022 admin Phoebe King looking very dramatic
reinhardt_w_08_031 admin Phoebe King walking a raccoon on a leash
reinhardt_w_10_014 admin Donald Gault talking to Phoebe King
reinhardt_w_10_019 admin Phoebe and Max singing and dancing
reinhardt_w_10_047 admin Dick Hiler give out an award
reinhardt_w_10_049 admin Phoebe King and Clea Rodwan getting their awards
reunion_60th_mg_026 admin Rachel Gendell and Phoebe King in the parking lot