Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
groups_67_88_017 |
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A Gathering of Female Campers - from Juniors and Youth |
groups_67_88_020 |
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Acrons go Wild - in the mid 1970s |
groups_67_88_023 |
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Juniors - in the late-1970s |
groups_67_88_024 |
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Juniors Hiding Behind Fallen Tree - in the late-1970s |
groups_67_88_030 |
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Summer Camp Staff - a little more serious - 1982 |
groups_67_88_035 |
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Youth on Front Porch - in mid 1970s |
groups_67_88_037 |
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Marjorie and her campers by barn - mid 1970s |
groups_67_88_040 |
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Youthies and Youth Work Camp - mid 1970s |
people_38_98_152 |
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Rachell participating in the CPC backrub tradition |
people_38_98_163 |
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Fred and Rachel by the farmhouse cistern |
reinhardt_w_01_080 |
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Sara Rose and Rachel Gendel |
reinhardt_w_01_081 |
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Rachel Gendell looking straight at the camera |
reinhardt_w_01_082 |
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Rachel Gendell looking quizzical |
reinhardt_w_04_025 |
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Craig Matis and Flo Fooden on the front lawn |
reinhardt_w_10_001 |
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Mark Bonsignore leading a meeting in the barn |
reinhardt_w_10_023 |
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A young Rachel Gendell striking a pose |
reinhardt_w_10_024 |
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Rachel Gendell leaning against Lindsay Jones |
reinhardt_w_11_025 |
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Rache Gendell standing in front of the geodesic dome |
reinhardt_w_11_026 |
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Sara and Rachell hold up a pyramid of campers |
reunion_60th_mg_026 |
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Rachel Gendell and Phoebe King in the parking lot |