Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
bill_knox_018 |
admin |
Bill attending a meeting in the dining room |
directors_002 |
admin |
Bill Knox |
directors_041 |
admin |
Meryl Domina |
people_38_98_179 |
admin |
John Glass - tireless fund raiser for CPC |
reunion_88_026 |
admin |
Laurie, Lauren, Carrie, and Rufus on a bench |
reunion_88_029 |
admin |
A smiling Liz Bloom with child |
reunion_88_076 |
admin |
Rufus Diamant with his son Justin Starlie |
reunion_88_127 |
admin |
Lisa Tanenbaum between John Glass and Rufus Diamant |
reunion_98_082 |
admin |
Photographers Abound: John, Hubert, and Rufus |
still_life_38_98_093 |
admin |
View of the deck, Swallows, and Rufus Diamant |