Photos with the Person Tag Name sharon_hyson

Photo ID Owner Title
groups_67_88_005 admin Summer Camp Staff Photo from the late 1970s
groups_67_88_006 admin 1975 Summer Camp Staff
groups_67_88_009 admin 1976 Summer Camp Staff - a little more serious
groups_67_88_010 admin 1976 Summer Camp Staff - a lot less serious
people_38_98_252 admin Summer Camp Staff hanging out on the kitchen porch
reinhardt_w_04_011 admin Sharon Hyson and Mara Colucci on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_04_012 admin Sharon and Charlie on the front lawn
reunion_88_079 admin Debbie, Sharon, Sulyn, and Jennifer - da cooks
reunion_88_084 admin Sharon Hyson - Arts and Crafts Counselor
reunion_98_019 admin Rosalie and her husband Bernie Guttman
reunion_98_026 admin Sharon Hyson and Jay Bonsignore on the front lawn