Photos with the Person Tag Name tom_fineberg

Photo ID Owner Title
directors_024 admin Dan Denov
groups_67_88_015 admin 1973 - Bill Knox Memorial at the 35th Reunion
groups_67_88_016 admin Bill Knox Memorial (July 4th, 1973)
people_38_98_014 admin A meeting on the front lawn
people_38_98_106 admin Tom Fineberg in the parking lot with canoes
people_38_98_176 admin Tom and Maxine Fineberg at meeting in the early 1960s
people_38_98_205 admin Maple Syrup Weekend with Billie Altemus and Tom Fineberg
reinhardt_w_01_009 admin Tom Fineberg on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_01_010 admin Tom Fineberg playing chess
reinhardt_w_03_000 admin Tom Fineberg and Glen Sandberg on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_03_001 admin Billie Altemus and Tom Fineberg on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_03_002 admin Billie Altemus and Tom Fineberg at meeting on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_03_006 admin Richard Greer, Michael Jonas, and Tom Fineberg at meeting
reinhardt_w_03_012 admin Lindsay Jones and Tom Fineberg
reinhardt_w_03_013 admin Lindsay Jones and Polly Boyajian on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_03_017 admin Mark Bonsignore and Tom Fineberg on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_03_025 admin Tom FIneberg on his bicycle
reinhardt_w_03_026 admin Tom Fineberg taking notes in the dining room
reinhardt_w_03_027 admin Tom Fineberg playing chess on the side porch
reinhardt_w_03_063 admin Tom Fineberg supervising a chess game