Photos with the Person Tag Name vera_king

Photo ID Owner Title
bill_knox_001 admin Bill Knox Memorial in 1973
groups_67_88_015 admin 1973 - Bill Knox Memorial at the 35th Reunion
groups_67_88_016 admin Bill Knox Memorial (July 4th, 1973)
people_38_98_001 admin From the 1973 Bill Knox Memorial
people_38_98_186 admin Leo and Vera King
people_38_98_192 admin Billie Mitchell and David L King
reunion_88_018 admin Billie Mitchell and David L King meet after many years
reunion_88_027 admin Clair, Laurie, and Vera King by CPC's old photos
reunion_98_044 admin Naomi Greenfield, Jerry Gordon, Naomi Clarie, Bob Beshears in Rec Hall
reunion_98_046 admin Seymour, Leo, Lotte, Vera, and Naomi at the Rec Hall