Photo ID |
Owner |
Title |
directors_027 |
admin |
Directors Group photo in 1988 at the 50th Reunion |
groups_67_88_003 |
admin |
Summer Camp Staff Photo from the 1970s |
groups_67_88_005 |
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Summer Camp Staff Photo from the late 1970s |
groups_67_88_007 |
admin |
Front Porch just for Laughs |
groups_67_88_009 |
admin |
1976 Summer Camp Staff - a little more serious |
groups_67_88_010 |
admin |
1976 Summer Camp Staff - a lot less serious |
groups_67_88_011 |
admin |
1976 Summer Camp Photo - a little more serious |
groups_67_88_014 |
admin |
Photo of Directors taken at the 50th reunion in 1988 |
people_38_98_030 |
admin |
Jay, Michael, and Greg laying a foundation |
people_38_98_041 |
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Jay Bonsignore and Debra Schultz supervising the carving of a turkey |
people_38_98_042 |
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Greg Young and Jay Bonsignore laying another foundation |
people_38_98_045 |
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Greg Young and Jay Bonsignore laying a sound foundation |
people_38_98_071 |
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Jay Bonsignore on cross country skis |
people_38_98_093 |
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A gathering of former CPC Directors |
people_38_98_114 |
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Jay and Oona laying stones |
people_38_98_193 |
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Julie and Jay - American Gothic |
people_38_98_252 |
admin |
Summer Camp Staff hanging out on the kitchen porch |
reinhardt_w_05_036 |
admin |
Jay Bonsignore contemplating his next bite |
reinhardt_w_05_037 |
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Mark Jenkins and Jay Bonsignore sitting back to back |
reunion_88_040 |
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American Gothic: Julie, Jay, and Miria |