Photos with the Person Tag Name mark_bonsignore

Photo ID Owner Title
bill_knox_001 admin Bill Knox Memorial in 1973
directors_006 admin Mark Bonsignore and Lindsay Jones
directors_027 admin Directors Group photo in 1988 at the 50th Reunion
groups_67_88_014 admin Photo of Directors taken at the 50th reunion in 1988
groups_67_88_015 admin 1973 - Bill Knox Memorial at the 35th Reunion
groups_67_88_016 admin Bill Knox Memorial (July 4th, 1973)
people_38_98_009 admin A meeting of the wise in the dining room
people_38_98_032 admin The Think Tank at CPC in the mid-1970s
people_38_98_039 admin A Coop Think Tank at CPC in the early 1970s
people_38_98_040 admin Don Altemus giving a talk
people_38_98_043 admin Mark Bonsignore, Lindsay Jones, and Ben Lerman
people_38_98_054 admin Mark Bonsignore with his necklace of keys
people_38_98_093 admin A gathering of former CPC Directors
people_38_98_101 admin Nature hike with Don Altemus
people_38_98_143 admin Think tank at CPC in the early 1970s
people_38_98_175 admin Mark and Lindsay presenting in Hyde Park
people_38_98_209 admin Mark Bonsignore and Sh Bauman around 1972-1974
reinhardt_w_03_014 admin Mark Bonsignore and Lindsay Jones sharing a quiet moment
reinhardt_w_03_017 admin Mark Bonsignore and Tom Fineberg on the front lawn
reinhardt_w_03_018 admin Mark Bonsignore in the dining room